The following is an excerpt from a series of studies that is just now becoming available via my web site Although not yet ready for download, there is still some provocative reading there.
Restoration- res·to·ra·tion
Function: noun
: the act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a : a returning to a normal or healthy condition
It is a fact of human nature that we will not change until the change is perceived to make us more comfortable than the state in which we currently find ourselves.
Understanding this most basic of human behaviors causes us to realize that neither truth or the lack thereof is sufficient to motivate us to change. We are “Comfort Creatures.” Unless a restoration has a direct appeal to ease our level of comfort, most times it will not be given a second thought.
A primary responsibility of the individual(s) called upon to undertake restoration is to create a sense of discomfort with the current state of the article needing to be restored. This is true whether we are talking about a priceless work of art, a building that needs remodeled and updated, or the Church of Jesus Christ (Assembly of Ye’shua the Messiah). Scripture tells us that Messiah is returning for a Bride that has thoroughly prepared herself for His coming. Everything we do in service to the Messiah must be in relationship to the love that is exhibited between our Heavenly Father and His Bride. Ephesians 5:25-27 says; “Husbands, love your wives, as Messiah also did love the assembly and gave Himself for it, in order to set it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, in order to present it to Himself a splendid assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any of this sort, but that it might be set-apart and blameless.
Knowing that most of the Body of Messiah is in a state of lethargic comfort, we realize that promoting restoration will be met with great skepticism. Therefore, at the risk of being labeled “troublemakers” we undertake our first task, which is causing dissatisfaction with the status quo.
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