Women’s libbers beware! My intent in this post is not to be disparaging of women in any way, shape , or form, but to point out how a particular societal shift has affected a foundational component of marriages in America.
When it comes to the concept of respect in marriage, most women will tell you that love = respect. However, when asking men about the same concept, you will get a far different answer. Here is where a problem arises. Because of our innate lack of ability to verbally communicate, we come across like an ogre with fourteen thumbs trying to perform micro-surgery! We can’t tell you why love and respect are not mutually inclusive, but we are absolutely sure that they are not.
So, on behalf of all men everywhere, here is my attempt!
The problem with the women’s liberation movement is that in trying to “level the playing field” between the sexes, the movement brought down men instead of raising the bar for women. In order for this to happen, a fundamental component of our society had to be changed. Positions of authority that were held mostly by men had to be attacked in order to break through the ‘glass ceiling’ and level the field. The easiest way to accomplish this is to disparage (disrespect) those individuals whose positions were the desire of attainment. Thus, in the attempt to elevate themselves, the result was a lowering of standards. I am not saying that I think it impossible for women to attain to those various positions…in fact, I am saying the opposite. The women’s liberation movement took the easy way out! Our society would have benefited mightily had they taken the high road and taken on the glass ceiling through merit alone. (No, I am NOT saying there was a lack of equality based on merit…that is not what this post is about).
The result…A lack of respect has permeated our society and we men have stood by and allowed it to happen! Our fault men, not theirs. The reason women will tell you that love = respect is because our Creator has created them to conceptualize that way. A typical male response (conceptualized, not verbalized) is I cannot feel (accept) your love until I feel your respect.
Just as a woman needs romance to fan her feelings of love toward her man (Yes gents, I am talking about flowers and chocolate and all that other sappy stuff here), a man needs to feel respected in order to be motivated to provide the romance.
I am taking for granted that I am speaking to mature believers that have laid aside the arguments of “If he shows me love, I will show him respect'”, and vice-versa. If that is your attitude, you need to grow up.
Respect for your man can be summed up this way…Awareness and recognition of his provision, protection, and covering for you and your family. Your man wants to know that he is still attractive to you, even with his stretched out belly and shrunken posterior. Do you remember how you used to like to just “watch” or “look at him”? He needs to know that you are still interested in the same way!
Maybe I can get my wife to write about love. I guarantee she will give valuable input!
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